based in Wrocław, Poland
curator_ artist manager_artistic researcher_art critic
A Master in Curation and Promotion of Art institutions and holder of a BA in Art Criticism and Promotion of Art from the University of Arts in Poznań, PL. A freelance independent art critic and curator of a group or international exhibitions. I gained my experience in various art galleries, and emerging artists’ initiatives eg. ¿CBA? Collective, Desperate Curators Collective, Apexart.
Her Master’s diploma got a special price from an art magazine called “NN6T” (Bęc Zmiana Foundation, Warsaw) during The Best Diploma Awards of the University of Arts in Poznań (November 2018). In 2017 she was a commercial gallery assistant in the Brick Lane Gallery, London, UK.
For now, she works as an international projects coordinator in Strefa Kultury Wrocław being responsible for both national and international program of an institution. She represented one of the biggest art magazine for collectors called on Warsaw Art Fair (04-05.10.2018) and Targi Sztuki Dostępnej (02-03.03.2019). An author of texts published in Slevin Magazine, e-Czas Kultury, Zeszyty Artystyczne, Format, Artluk,, Purplehaze Magazine and XIBT Magazine.
I am always delighted to hear from new artists and I do consider all submissions very carefully. I am continually looking for raw talent that can be promoted, using all of my experience. You produce the artwork and I can offer a platform to launch you into the fine art industry.

